What to Expect
OIC's worship is contemporary and casual. Most of the songs we sing are modern praise songs, but some traditional hymns are also included. The teaching is typically verse-by-verse through a book of the Bible.
People go to eat together at a local restaurant for more fellowship after the service, and new visitors are always welcome to join in - it's a great way to get to know people.
Sunday morning worship service lasts about 90 minutes, from 10:00 till about 11:30.
Usually there is prayer, praise songs, the Bible message, and announcements. On the first Sunday of every month, we share communion (sometimes called "the Lord's supper" or "euchurist") together. Sometimes we also have special presentations of various types, but we try to keep the total time within 90 minutes.
You can wear whatever you are comfortable in. You will see people wearing everything from jeans & T-shirts to suits & ties (and an occasional kimono) - anything is fine.
On Sunday morning, if you are arriving near the time for the 10:00 Sunday worship, there will be a table set up in the foyer with many ushers and greeters to welcome you and answer any questions. You will be given a bulletin, and at the table you can check out an interpretation radio if you need Japanese language assistance.
During the second set of songs we will pass baskets to collect tithes and offerings from our regular congregation to be used for the expenses of the church and our support of outreach activities and missions. However, there is no obligation, especially for visitors.
Sunday morning worship service lasts about 90 minutes, from 10:00 till about 11:30.
During the Sunday morning worship, there is age-graded Sunday School for children from pre-school age and elementary school age every week. Bring your kids to the main worship hall with you, and right after the first praise song set all the kids and teachers will go to their classrooms for the rest of the worship time.
We do not have a nursery to care for babies or toddlers, but you are welcome to bring them into the worship hall with you. If you need to feed them or take them away from the worship hall, there is usually a "mother's room" provided in room 408.